ISA Ireland Section

Setting the Standard for Automation

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ISA - Ireland Section
25 Year History 1977 - 2002

Compiled by Bob Shine - Section Historian

The Ireland Section ISA decided that in view of the impending 25th Anniversary of its foundation in 1977 a brief history be compiled in celebration of this important milestone. When I was invited to join the organization in 1977 I little thought that one day I would be entrusted with the task and given the privilege of compiling this publication. I have set out to trace the evolution and development of the section over the 25 years based on the records and information available to me. I hope I have faithfully discharged the brief entrusted in me by the committee and that the publication will prove to be a worthwhile tribute to the Ireland section.

I wish to acknowledge the help and encouragement I have received from present and past committees, those who contributed photographs and articles, John Lotty section photographer and Linda, Carol and Mary whose assistance with the manuscript was invaluable. In conclusion I wish to thank Litho Press of Midleton our publishers.

Bob Shine.

9th of March 2002.

This book is dedicated to all ISA members in Ireland past, present and future and to all those involved in the measurement and control industry who have contributed in any way to section activities during the past 25 years.