Trip to InterKama'99
18th to 21st October 1999
Includes some things to do!

- the international society for measurement and control
Ireland Section

Please send details of ISA Functions in the area or any comments on this page to Eoin Ó Riain or fax +353 1 2825401

Membership queries should be sent to Billy Walsh on Tel : 021-902144; Fax:021-276398

The1999/2000 Committee

Autumn Conference

ISA Ireland Sectionin association with Project Management Group

Electronic Workflow & Document Management
for more effective
Engineering, Design and Plant Operation

21st September 1999
Blarney Park Hotel, Blarney, Co Cork, Ireland

First day of Irchem

Trip to InterKama'99
18th to 21st October 1999
Includes some things to do!

The 3rd (May) issue of 1999 of INCON the ISA Ireland Newsletter in 1999 has been sent to members.
It features the 20th Anniversary Dinner and a list of all ISA Ireland Past Presidents. Details of this years highly successful exhibition and seminar at the new Rochestown Park Hotel venue are given with a cmplete listing of exhibitors as well as details of the seminar extracts. Reports on the March and May Technical meetings. The European Council meetings was held in Madrid, Spain and a short report is given including details on the ISA Ireland presentations made to ISA President Diek, former President Roser, District 12 VP Keast, European Chair Coolan, Former Executive Director Glen Harvey and our very own Laura Crumpler.
Advertisers in this issue are
  • ABB Automation - the world's leading supplier of automation and Process Solutions
  • Siemens - The Bus, The Software, The components: The Fastest Team.

Technical Meetings and Other Functions

Pictures taken during some of the functions held during the year.

Future Functions to be advised

Honours & Awards'98

Future Functions to be advised

20th Anniversary Dinner(March 1999)

Queries on Technical Meetings to John Sweeney Tech Programme on 021 772699
Last Update: 7th June 1999

Two other sections in Ireland are:

  • The ISA Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST) program continues to catch the attention of industry. It promotes the professional development of the control systems technician, providing recognition and documentation of the technician's knowledge, experience, and education in measurement and control. Industry is finding the CCST program advantageous due to its three levels. This allows employers the opportunity to evaluate the skill level of their employees through a reliable third party. Visit the CCST page to download the Program Information Guide, Application, Exam Schedule, and much more. For more information on the CCST program, contact ISA at Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST) program continues to catch the attention of industry. It promotes the professional development of the control systems technician, providing recognition and documentation of the technician's knowledge, experience, and education in measurement and control. Industry is finding the CCST program advantageous due to its three levels. This allows employers the opportunity to evaluate the skill level of their employees through a reliable third party. Visit the CCST page to download the Program Information Guide, Application, Exam Schedule, and much more. For more information on the CCST program, contact ISA at

  • Photo Gallery
  • Section Archive
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    Last update: 27/7/99
    Page designed by Eoin Ó Riain.