Pictures Pictures in 1999

Calibration - Best Practise in Metrology. Held in Clonmel and Cork in February. The same talk was given ialso in Galway and Limerick by Paul Hetherington.
  • L to R: At Clonmel - Brian Curtis, President Elect, Donal Desmond, Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Declan Lordan, President ISA Ireland, Oliver Power, NML, Speaker, Barbara Heffernan and Eoin Prendergast, Pinewood Health Care.

    Left>In Cork: L to R: John Sweeney, Programme Chair ISA Ireland, Declan Lordan, President, Oliver Power, Speaker and Rodney Daunt, ABB Automation Systems. RightTechnical Talk Bob Shine, FÁS, Tom Mangan, Insteco and Declan Lordan, President at a Student Technical Talk in FÁS on hazardous areas.

  • Back to school! Billy Walsh, Past President and Brian Curtis, President-Elect at the back of the class at a student technical talk given in March in the Cork Institute of Technology.
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