Pictures Pictures in 1999/2000

Technical Meetings

L to R: Cristoph Kehr of Schuf Valves, President Brian Curtis and another guest at the technical talk given in Cork in October 1999.
(back to Technical Meetings)

L to R: Graham Miekle (Irish Superior), David Owens, Monicon (Speaker), Éamon Creech, ISA Ireland President Elect, David Webster, Elan, Peadair Walsh, Douglas Calibration. Picture taken at the Galway meeting Technical Meeting on Gas Monitoring in November. This talk was also held in Limerick, Waterford and Cork.
(back to Technical Meetings)

Honours and Awards 1999
From left: - Mr & Mrs Dullea (Parents of the late Gerard Dullea), Brian Curtis, ISA Ireland President, Damian Wallace, Lord Mayor of Cork, John O'Donovan, winner of the Ger Dullea Award and Bursary, Noel Dullea, brother of the late Ger Dullea.
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