
ISA Ireland Section

ISA - Setting the Standard for Automation

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Pictures taken during 2003/4.
District Leaders Conference, Nice, France - May 2004
The Irish delegates at the very successful 2004 DLC held in Nice in May 2004. Seated on the right is Jim Long, President of the Leinster Ireland Section.

Exhibition 2004
Site Visit April 2004

The Eli Lilly facility in Kinsale is a Bulk Pharmaceutical Manufacturing plant on a 112-acre site located in Dunderrow. Picture shows visit to site in April.
Cork Technical Talk March 2004
Some of the attendance at a technical talk on Electronic Manufacturing / Paperless Batch Tracking given by Mr Paul Murray (Proscon) in Cork.

Group taken after talk on calibration in March in Cork. In his presentation John Salusbury (E&H) (centre front) gave a general introduction to Calibration and Maintenance Intervals including Stability of the equipment in service and Setting the Calibration Intervals as part of the Calibration and Maintenance program at plant level. Mr. Matthew Dornan (Edward Dornan) (right front) discussed what guidelines to use in relation to field instrumentation, calibration and maintenance intervals. He also outlined the benefits of reviewing the Calibration intervals based on historical data.

Some of the attendance and the speaker Seán Atkinson (Roche) with President-Elect Martin Almond when he deliverd the talk "IEC-61508 Implementing a Compliance Program"(Power Point Presentation). This talk was delivered in Limerick last November.
Athlone Technical Talk February 2004

Some of the attendance at a technical talk on Getting A Grip On Humidity given by Mr. Niall Howard of Howard Instrumentation.

Site Visit - 3rd February 2004

Vistikon Ireland's plant in Limerick was visited during February. This impressive facility manufactures contact lenses for the japanese and European market. It is part of the Johnson & Johnson Group. Picture shows group at the plant with Section President Peadar Walsh (3rd from left front row) and beside hm David Kinahah, Engineering manager of Vistikon (with plaque).

Some attendees at the meeting discussing "Static / Earthing" given by Mel Gannon (Right Top) and Maurice Gunning (right Bottom) who were each presented with a plaque afterwards.

The Bob Shine Knowledge Centre in FÁS, Cork The Section donated an ISA Knowledge Centre to FÁS in Cork which was dedicated to Bob Shine, to honour his work in the training of Instrument, Systems and Automation professionals down through the years. The presentation was made by ISA President-Elect Lowell McCaw in the presence of Bob Shine at the FÁS premises. These photos were taken on the occasion.

Honours and Awards 2003
The annual Honours and Awards presentation ceremony was held in University College Cork on 1st December 2003. There were five recipients who received their awards from the Lord Mayor of Cork, Clr> Colm Burke in the presence of Mr Lowel McCaw ISA President-Elect who was visiting sections in Europe.
Before the ceremony a speciual presentaion of a brass propeller eas presented to Lowel McCaw, ISA President-Elect (picture right).

Details and additional pictures of the event

In what was possibly the most successful Technical Meeting in recent years, it was standing room only at a joint talk on ATEX directives and implementation given by Peter Keane of (Instrument Technology), Steve Kershaw, (Haztech) and Shane Pugh (Astonedane) (inset with President Peadar Walsh) in mid November.

Pictures taken at meeting in Limerick Talk Tuesday 11th November 2003 ""a href="roche.ppt">IEC-61508 Implementing a Compliance Program"
This excellent talk is scheduled for Cork in February 2004

John Cosgrove - LIT, Peadar Walsh - President ISA Ireland, Sean Atkinson - Roche (speaker), Tim Davern - Feasa, Tom Buckley - Flomeaco E+H
Pictures from the Dinner

During the ISA Industrial Dinner the contribution of Declan Lordan to the organisation of the ISA Ireland sponsored Read-out Forum was acknowledged. On left Eoin Ó Riain of Read-out presents him with a framed First Day Cover of the stamp honouring Ireland's Nobel Physics prizewinner Dr ETS Walton.
Pictures from the AGM June 2003
Peadar & Alan Alan Edwards, last year's president adjust the chain of office on 2003/4 President Peadar Walsh as he assumes office.
Alan Edwards gives his valedictory address.
Alan Edwards, President 2002/2003 yakes a back seat after handing over the chain of office to Peadar Walsh, President 2003/4 at the Annual General Meeting of the Section in June 2003

Peadar Walsh with student representative for CIT Dave Lyons (left) and Declan Lordon, Education Chair 2003/4

Group of attendees at the Annual General Meeting June 2003

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