
ISA Ireland Section

ISA - Setting the Standard for Automation

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Pictures taken during 2006/7.
Site Visit to Carrigrennan Waste Water Treatment Plant in Little Island, Co. Cork, March 2007
Lto R: Declan Lordan - Douglas Control & Automation, Peadar Walsh - Jones Engineering Group, Billly Walsh - UCC, John Keohane - O'Sheas Electrical, John Conroy - Operations Manager, Waste Water Treatment Plant, Brian Curtis - DPS Engineering, Kevin Dignam - DPS Engineering and Derek O'Sullivan - Staff Member, Waste Water Treatment Plant

John Conroy was presented a plaque by Billy Walsh with Derek O'Sullivan

Maurice Radford was awarded the ISA's Golden Achievement Award last year. However he was unable to travel to receive it personally and it was accepted by Jim Long (Section President-Elect) on his behalf - pic left with President Baker. On his return Jim presented Maurice with his award.
Talk on Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) & Performance Management
LtoR: Eamon Creech - Janssen Pharmaceutical, Billy Walsh - UCC, Liam Curham - speaker, Dataworks, Dominic Coveney - Schering Plough, Shane Robinson - speaker, Dataworks.
Dublin Technical Talk
President Elect Jim Long makes a presentation to Brian Riordan of Festo Ireland on the occassion of his talk at Bewleys Newlands Cross, Dublin
The ISA Ireland Section hosted it's first annual Golf Tournament on Friday 1st September 2006.

Click on ball for pictures!

Fred Gilroy III, founder member and first president of the Ireland Section of ISA and founder of the Gilroy Group died towards the end of 2006.
May he rest in peace!

Honours and Awards 2006

The annual presentation of honours and awards was held in the Common Room of University College, Cork on Monday 4th December 2005 at 7.00pm. The Minister of Industry, Mr Micheál Martin TD, attended.

Picture shows: Back Row LtoR: Awardees Conor Fahey, Brendan Byron, Michael Riordan, Seán O'Mahony, Damien Howard.
Front row LtoR: Brian Curtis, President Brian Nolan, Micheál Martin, Kevin Dignam.

More details and pictures

Technical Meeting: pH and Dissolved Oxygen in Biotech
Cork 21st November 2006

Speaker Andrew Hayward, Quest Instruments

This talk also scheduled for Athlone 13th February 2007

14/11/2006: Pictures taken during site visit to EirGrid National Control Centre in Dublin hosted by Harry McElwain.
EirGrid plc is the independent electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Ireland and the Market Operator in the wholesale electricity trading system.

Society Honours for Section Members

Distinguished Society Service Award President Brian Nolan receives award on behalf of John Lotty.

Golden Achievement Award
President Elect Jim Long receives Award on behalf of Maurice Radford

Emerging Leader Award
Kevin Dignam receives Award from ISA President Ken Baker
We congratulate these members on a well earned recognition of their service to the section and the wider society.
The presentations were made at the President's Fall Meeting (PSF) in Houston, Tx, USA in October 2006.

Pictures during talk at the Carlow Institute of Technology (28/9/2006)

Golf 2006 - Fota

Former presidents Peadar Walsh and Martin Almond make adjustments to New President, Brian Nolans's attire (left) while Immediate Past-President Kevin Dignam congratulates him at the AGM 15th June 2006(above)

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