Pictures 2009/2010

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Pictures taken during 2009/10.

Mr Peadar Walsh of Douglas Calibration (Jones Group), and former President of ISA Ireland, made a presentation to students of FÁS at their Bishopstown, Cork facility which was followed by a tour around their instrument labs. The afternoon was thoroughly enjoyable. Picture above shows the entire attendance and on the right Patrick McCarthy (FÁS), Dave O'Brien, President-Elect ISA Ireland, and Peadar Walsh who gave the talk.

Pictures taken during a technical talk given at Carlow Institute of Technology by Peter Keane of Instrument Technology on Humidity Measurement in late November.
Pictured below left are Tommy Walker, Carlow IT, Dave O'Brien, President-Elect Ireland Section, Peter Keane, Instrument Technology and Jim Doyle, Carlow RTC. Behind them are Billy Walsh and Brian Curtis both ISA Committee members. In picture on right is a section of the attrendance in wrapt attention!

(Right) Mick Meade congratulatesKevin McCarthy as he assumes office as Section President for 2009/10.

(Below) Members of the 2009/2010 Section Committee at a meeting in September 2009.
L to R: Aidan Smith, Séamus Cotter, Mick Meade, Kevin McCarthy, Dave O'Brien, Billy Walsh

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