Pictures of President Cockrell's Visit

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Pictures taken during Visit of
President Gerald Cockrell and Mrs Cockrell.
May 2009
During May the Section was honoured with a visit by ISA President Gerald Cockrell and his wife Jan. Among the places visited were Ely Lilly (Headquartered in Indianapolis where Dr Cockrell teaches in the University), DPS Engineering and the two centres of education in Cork, CIT and UCC.


  • 4/May: Dinner at The Rising Tide
  • 5/May: Eli Lilly
  • 6/May: DPS Engineering
  • 6/May: CIT
  • 6/May: UCC
  • 6/May: Dinner at Jacobs on the Mall

    Where possible we have included names etc.
    Pictures were not taken at all venues!

  • Visit to DPS Engineering including lunch was hosted by Mick Meade, President ISA Ireland Section & Senior Electrical Engineer at DPS Engineering.
  • Photograph (far left and left): Pat McIntyre, MD DPS Engineering; Billy Walsh; Jerry & Jan Cockrell; Tony Mahon, Contract Services Manager DPS Engineering & Past President ISA Ireland Section. Photograph (near right and right): Tony Mahon, Contract Services Manager DPS Engineering & Past President ISA Ireland Section; Mick Meade; Jan & Jerry Cockrell; Pat McIntyre, MD DPS Engineering; Billy Walsh
      Far Left: in a CAPPA Research Laboratory
      Dr. Liam McDonnell, Head, Department of Applied Physics & Instrumentation, Dr. Eamonn O'Neill, Manager, Centre for Advanced Photonics & Process Analysis (CAPPA), Jan & Jerry Cockrell

      Near Left: in the 4th Year Project Laboratory
      Liam McDonnell and Jerry Cockrell with Ivan Coombes, Senior Technical Officer, Dept. Applied Physics & Instrumentation

    Visit to Cork Institute of Technology hosted by Dr. Liam McDonnell, Head, Department of Applied Physics & Instrumentation and former President of ISA Ireland Section.
      Visit to the President of UCC's Office
      Far Left: Seated: Professor Kennedy and ISA President Cockrell; Standing: Billy Walsh, Jan Cockrell and Denis Ring.

      Near Left: Deputy President UCC, Professor Peter Kennedy, Vice President for Research Policy & Support with ISA President Cockrell.

      Left The Cockrell's visit the UCC Microbrewery with Billy Walsh.

      Far left: The Cockrell's relaxing in The Common Room UCC with Denis Ring, Process & Chemical Engineering, UCC

    Visit to University College Cork (UCC) was hosted by Denis Ring from the Process & Chemical Engineering Department.

    Dinner at Jacobs on the Mall hosted by the Ireland Section to honour the special visit by the Cockrells to Ireland.Ê All attendees, other than the Cockrells, are Section Committee and invited guests. Ê Photograph (left): Front: Dave OÕBrien; Jerry Cockrell; Mick Meade.Ê Middle: Declan Lordan; Tadhg Moriarty.Ê Back: Bob Shine; Brian Curtis; Billy Walsh.
  • Photograph (middle): Left to Right: Brian Curtis; Declan Lordan; Mick Meade; Tadhg Moriarty; Dave OÕBrien; Billy & Helen Walsh; Jan & Jerry Cockrell; Bob Shine.
  • Photograph (right): Left to Right: Brian Curtis; Declan Lordan; Mick Meade; Tadhg Moriarty; Dave OÕBrien; Billy & Helen Walsh; Jan & Jerry Cockrell; Bob Shine.

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